When cervical spine issues affect multiple levels of your neck, a two-level ACDF surgery might be the key to restoring your quality of life. This surgical procedure addresses more complex spinal conditions than a single-level ACDF (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion), requiring additional expertise and consideration.
Chiari Malformation is a condition where part of the brain, specifically the cerebellum, extends into the spinal canal through an opening in the base of the skull, known as the foramen magnum.
Chiari Malformation is a complex neurological condition that involves the structural relationship between the skull, brain and spinal cord. It occurs when a part of the skull near the base is too small or misshapen, causing the lower part of the brain, called the cerebellar tonsils, to extend into the spinal canal.
Many well-known public figures, such as Faith Hill, Peyton Manning, Elon Musk, and Bono, have undergone cervical spine surgery to address their cervical spine problems. One common procedure used to treat these issues is anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), a surgery that has helped many regain their quality of life.
Arthritis can affect the neck also known as the cervical spine, causing conditions that lead to pain, stiffness, and nerve problems. This post will explain how arthritis can cause common neck issues and the surgeries that help fix them, using terms you’ll want to know.