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If you are dealing with sharp shooting pains in one side of your face, ear or jaw, you may be suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. If these episodes of electric-like pains are accompanied by a dull burning pain that is relatively constant in nature, you may have a rare form of trigeminal neuralgia called atypical trigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia type 2.

If you suspect you have trigeminal neuralgia type 2, you should visit your doctor right away to get your condition properly diagnosed and to start on the right treatment for you. Your doctor can perform special tests to rule out any lesions in your brain and to confirm trigeminal neuralgia type 2.

Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by irritation of your trigeminal nerve. Usually, a neighboring artery near the nerve rubs against it, causing the pain and burning sensations on one side of your face. When the damage to your nerve is severe, your pain may become a constant ache or numbness punctuated by episodes of sharp shooting pains in your face.

The pain from trigeminal neuralgia type 2 can limit your ability to concentrate fully on work and recreational time with family members and friends. Getting the right treatment is important to get back to your normal active lifestyle. If you are dealing with atypical trigeminal neuralgia, finding a trusted NJ neurosurgeon who treats facial pain is a necessity.

Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Type 2

If you have been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia type 2, then there are certain treatments that you should know about. First, you doctor will likely start you on medication to help control your pain. Antispasmodic or anticonvulsant drugs may be prescribed.

These drugs can be very effective at decreasing your pain, although sometimes your body builds up a tolerance to the medication, and the dosage needs to be adjusted by your doctor from time to time. If medication fails to give you adequate relief from your symptoms, you may benefit from injections for trigeminal neuralgia.

Injections of medicine that blocks pain receptors from firing in your trigeminal nerve may be used to decrease your facial pain. These injections typically provide pain relief for a few months, and then the procedure may need to be repeated.

Surgery is often considered for patients with trigeminal neuralgia. There are several surgical techniques designed to treating trigeminal neuralgia: microvascular decompression, Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, percutaneous rhizotomy and stimulator placement.

Microvascular Decompression

Microvascular decompression surgery for trigeminal neuralgia type 2 is a type of brain surgery. Your surgery will occur in a hospital, and your neurosurgeon will make a small incision behind your ear. Microsurgery will then proceed until your trigeminal nerve is visualized.

Then a small pad will be inserted between your trigeminal nerve and its neighboring artery. The pad helps to relieve pressure from your trigeminal nerve, hopefully eliminating your pain.

The benefit of microvascular decompression is that has the potential to offer rapid and lasting relief of trigeminal neuralgia type 2 pain. Many patients enjoy a recovery over a few days and require no further treatment after the surgery. Of course, microvascular decompression is brain surgery and carries with it a relatively low risk of infection or blood loss when performed by the right surgical team.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery is a procedure where your neurosurgeon uses focused beams of radiation directed at your trigeminal nerve. Prior to surgery, a head frame is attached to your head to keep it still, and then diagnostic studies will be obtained to precisely locate your trigeminal nerve.

Your neurosurgeon will work with a team of radiation specialists to deliver the proper dose of radiation in the correct location. This radiation slightly damages your nerve, giving you relief of your trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. Benefits of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery are that it is a relatively painless procedure, with the only invasive portion occurring during head frame placement.

Most patients feel no other sensations during or after the procedure and are able to function normally soon after the surgery. The downside of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia type 2 is that it may take months for your symptoms to slowly subside. During this time, your doctor will monitor your condition to ensure that things are progressing as expected. Sometimes, but rarely, new symptoms like facial numbness occur after the surgery.

Stimulator Placement

Another treatment option for trigeminal neuralgia type 2 is stimulator placement. During this surgical procedure, a small electrode wire will be threaded to an area near your spinal cord. This area is very sensitive to pain signals. Electrical stimulation is then used to block pain signals from traveling through your trigeminal nerve to your brain, thus eliminating your pain.

The benefit of stimulator placement is that it can help your symptoms rapidly reduce. Many patients realize at least a 50 percent reduction in pain with using electrical stimulation. The downside is that the stimulator unit needs occasional adjusting or monitoring by your doctor.

Find the Best NJ Neurosurgeon for Your Trigeminal Neuralgia Type 2

When dealing with trigeminal neuralgia type 2, you need to find the best neurosurgeon to treat your condition. Your doctor should recommend a facial pain specialist, and he or she should feel like a trusted ally in your care.

When meeting with your doctor, he should offer you various alternatives to treatment and should answer any questions you may have about surgery or treatment for your trigeminal neuralgia. Finding the right doctor for you may take time, but doing so can help you have the best possible outcome with your trigeminal neuralgia treatment.

Dealing with trigeminal neuralgia type 2 can be a difficult thing to do, and finding the best NJ neurosurgeon to treat your condition should be one of your top priorities when you are first diagnosed. By working closely with a trusted neurosurgeon and by learning all you can about treatment options, you can be sure to have a favorable outcome with your trigeminal neuralgia type 2 and quickly get back to your normal and active lifestyle.
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